Mental Health
Taking care of our thoughts, emotions, and feelings is part of a balanced general health. Let's start the conversation about men's mental health.
Five advices to start looking after your mental health
- Acknowledge your feelings
- Validate your emotions
- Practice meditation
- Talk to someone you trust. Remember you are not alone.
- Consider profesional help
What happens if we don’t take care of our mental health?
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Substance abuse
- Suicide
Ask for professional help
If you are in danger or going through a crisis, call the toll-free helpline of the Jalisco Institute of Mental Health – SALME.
- 33 2504 2020
- 33 38 33 38 38 y el 800 227 47 47
What can we do?
Recognize male needs regarding safe spaces to show their emotions and feelings.
Taking a role in a society that expects men to be all right all the time or pretending to be okay makes it harder to identify when something is wrong. This lack of interest in men’s feelings often makes them believe they will be judged, even by professional caregivers.
End the myths about depression
- Depression can occur to anyone
- Depression is not a sign of weakness
- Depression is preventive and treatable
Listen and accompany persons with suicidal tendencies
- Recognize if someone is in trouble
- Ask how they are feeling
- Let them express themselves
- Be warm and empathetic
- Prevent from getting close to mediums for suicide

Learn the numbers
Suicide is a tragedy for families and communities. It has a long-lasting effect.
- Average suicides per day - US
- 132
- On that year men died by suicide 3.9x more than women -US
- 2021
- Number of people that take their lives yearly in the world. About a person per minute.
- 703,000
Information sources:
- Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz National Institute of Psychiatry
- National Institute of Statistics and Geography
- https://www.inegi.org.mx/temas/salud/
- https://www.mentalizarte.com/
- Promundo – The Manbox A Study on Being a Young Man in the US, UK, and Mexico
- https://mankindproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/TheManBox-Full-EN-Final-29.03.2017-POSTPRINT.v2.pdf
- Pan American Health Organization: PAHO/WHO
- https://www.paho.org/es/temas/salud-mental HERNANDEZ-BRINGAS, Héctor Hiram y FLORES-ARENALES, René. El suicidio en México. Pap. poblac [online]. 2011, vol.17, n.68, pp.69-101. ISSN 2448-7147.
- https://es.movember.com/en/
- https://afsp.org/suicide-statistics/

We want to help
Men's Health Check-up
Check your health status with this package that includes analysis, ultrasound, urological consultation and several other tests. Ideal for men aged 25 to 60.